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Q: I'm trying to sync, but it just sits there and does nothing!#

A: Since rsync4j is not interactive, you will have to connect to the remote host at least once before to add the host to the known_hosts file.

Q: How do I use a specific public key pair?#

A: You can let ssh know what identity file to use using rsync's --rsh option and ssh's -i option, e.g.: rsync --rsh="ssh -i /some/where/id_rsa" ...

Q: I cannot store ssh keys on the remote machine, how do I use user/password for the login?#

A: Using Java, you can supply an instance of the SshPass class to the Rsync or Ssh object that will then feed the password to the underlying binary.

Q: How can I suppress the prompt for accepting a remote fingerprint (The authenticity of host 'XYZ' can't be established. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?)?#

A: Supply the following option to ssh (via -o ...):


Q: How can I fix the incorrect permissions in the target directory under Windows (e.g., The permissions are incorrectly ordered, which may cause some entries to be ineffective. or Deny for "NULL SID")?#

A: Use the chmod argument of the RSync class with something like .chmod("ugo=rwX") (source).