
From command-line, python-weka-wrapper behaves similar to Weka itself, i.e., the command-line. Most of the general options are available, as well as the following:

  • -j for adding additional jars, in the same format as the classpath for the platform. E.g., for Linux, -j /some/where/a.jar:/other/place/b.jar
  • -X for defining the maximum heap size. E.g., -X 512m for 512 MB of heap size.

The following examples are all for a Linux bash environment. Windows users have to replace forwarding slashes / with backslashes \ and place the command on a single line with the backslashes \ at the end of the lines removed.

Data generators

Artifical data can be generated using one of Weka’s data generators, e.g., the Agrawal classification generator:

pww-datagenerator \
    -o /tmp/out.arff \


Filtering a single ARFF dataset, removing the last attribute using the Remove filter:

pww-filter \
    -i /my/datasets/iris.arff \
    -o /tmp/out.arff \
    -c last \
    weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove \
    -R last

For batch filtering, you can use the -r and -s options for the input and output for the second file.


Example on how to cross-validate a J48 classifier (with confidence factor 0.3) on the iris UCI dataset:

pww-classifier \
     -t /my/datasets/iris.arff \
     -c last \
     -C 0.3


Example on how to perform classes-to-clusters evaluation for SimpleKMeans (with 3 clusters) using the iris UCI dataset:

pww-clusterer \
    -t /my/datasets/iris.arff \
    -c last \
    -N 3

Attribute selection

You can perform attribute selection using BestFirst as search algorithm and CfsSubsetEval as evaluator as follows:

pww-attsel \
    -i /my/datasets/iris.arff \
    -x 5 \
    -n 42 \
    -s "weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst -D 1 -N 5"
    weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval \
    -P 1 \
    -E 1


Associators, like Apriori, can be run like this:

pww-associator \
    -t /my/datasets/iris.arff \
    weka.associations.Apriori \
    -N 9 -I