upgraded commons-codec to 1.13 * replaced collections-generic with commons-collections4 * PackageMojo now uses org.apache.commons.collections4.MultiValuedMap
added attach option to attach artifact (pull request #6 from kh31d4r/master)
default compressionType is now gzip (not gz). Added sysdefault to use whatever the underlying build system uses as default.
the current artifact now gets included as well: this artifact's scope is null and was therefore excluded since the set generated from includedScope does not contain null.
added includeScope and excludeScope properties to fine-tune the scope of artifacts to include.
using simple-maven-file-filtering library now for file filtering.
copying of resources no longer fails if parent directory of output exists, e.g., when copying a script into target/deb/usr/bin when target/deb/usr/bin does not exist yet.
improved/fixed logging output related to file filtering.
when useDefaultCopyResources is enabled but src/deb/resources does not exist, then a warning is output rather than failing with an exception when attempting to copy (https://github.com/fracpete/debian-maven-plugin/issues/3).
attached artifacts are now subjected to checks against includes/excludes as well.
added support for copying resources (directories or files) directly, without having to rely on the copy-resources goal of maven-resources-plugin. this is achieve with the useDefaultCopyResources and copyResources parameters.
added support for fixing file permissions directly rather than relying the chmod task of the maven-antrun-plugin plugin. this is achieve by using the useDefaultFixPermissions and fixPermissions parameters.
added skip parameter, which can be used in top-level pom modules of multi-module projects to skip the execution of the plugin.
introduced libDirectory parameter, to allow changing the directory with the jars; default is /usr/lib/{PKGNAME}, but one can change it to /opt/{PKGNAME}/lib with this parameter.
introduced docDirectory parameter, to allow changing the directory with the documentation; default is /usr/share/doc/{PKGNAME}, but one can change it to /opt/{PKGNAME}/doc with this parameter.
introduced manDirectory parameter, to allow changing the directory with the man pages; default is /usr/share/man, but one can change it to /opt/{PKGNAME}/man with this parameter.
introduced createSymLinks parameter, to allow turning off symbolic link generation for jar files (without the artifact version).
introduced createIncludeFiles parameter, to allow turning off creation of .inc files for artifacts.
changed directory for jars from usr/share/lib/PKGNAME to usr/lib/PKGNAME
fixed NullPointerException when not supplying any regular expressions for excluding artifacts
switched from org.apache.commons:commons-exec to com.github.fracpete:processoutput4j to handle paths with blanks when executing the Debian package tools